Your dentures are never going to feel exactly like natural teeth. You, and your mouth, have to get used to wearing and using these teeth.
This can give you some new oral
- One of the biggest dental concerns for young adults and adults is the appearance of their smile. In fact, more than half of the dental visits which happen annually are to
- Saliva doesn't get the respect it deserves. Unbeknownst to most people, without saliva, your teeth wouldn't last very long at all. Although it might not look very effecti
- A healthy and strong set of teeth don't just allow you to eat and speak comfortably. They also affect your appearance in more ways than you might think. And although you
- If you notice an area of discolouration on your gums, then you may think it could be an amalgam tattoo. These marks sometimes appear on soft tissues in the mouth. They ar