What Happens After Root Canal Therapy?

When an infection reaches the nerve inside a tooth, there is no way back for the nerve. Eventually, after some toothache, swelling and discomfort, the nerve will die. At this point, an abscess will form and fill with pus. A root canal removes the dead nerve and all infected material from inside a tooth. But root canal treatment doesn't end there.

Your dentist will place a filling and a temporary crown

After a root canal, the area around your tooth will remain painful due to the swelling and lingering infection in the gum tissue. To protect your tooth while you recover fully and while the dentist creates a permanent crown; your dentist will place a temporary crown over your root canal tooth.

They may also fill in the root canals inside your tooth.

Your dentist may prescribe you with some antibiotics

If your tooth was badly infected, then your dentist will send you home with some antibiotics to help clear up the infection fully. Once the infection has cleared up, you can then visit your dentist for a checkup.

Your dentist will check to ensure the infection is gone

Although the pain may be gone, there may still be some lingering infection inside the tooth. This is why a follow-up appointment is important after a root canal. Your dentist will x-ray the area to ensure that there is no lingering infection. If the infection has cleared up, then you can proceed to the next and final stage of your treatment.

Your dentist will place a permanent crown or filling

If your tooth is a back tooth that will likely come under heavy chewing pressure, then your dentist will recommend a dental crown. As long as there is no infection, they will remove the temporary crown and replace it with a permanent crown, which will be more aesthetic and functional than the temporary crown. This is important because teeth gradually become more brittle after a root canal.

However, if your tooth is in the front of your mouth, for instance, an incisor, then a filling might be sufficient. This is because front teeth come under less pressure during chewing. But if your front tooth has lost a large amount of tooth structure, then a permanent crown with a post will be the most effective treatment. The post provides more structural stability for the tooth and crown.

Are you suffering from a dental infection? Then you might need a root canal. Book an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can, before the infection spreads to other parts of your mouth.

To learn more about root canals, talk to your dentist today.

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Dental Treatments: A Guide

Modern dentistry can offer you lots of fantastic treatments which can help you to achieve the perfect smile. Our writers may not be qualified dental professionals but they have carried out tonnes of research into the latest dental treatments. On this site, you will be able to discover everything you need to know about laser whitening, invisible braces, and tooth replacement surgery. We hope that by the time you have finished reading this blog, you will be in a position to make the correct decision when it comes to choosing your next dental treatment. Thank you for stopping by to read our blog.



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