Answering Commonly Asked Questions About Dentures

The most common dental treatment options for missing teeth are dentures or dental implants. The main difference between these two options is that dental implants are more expensive, realistic, and comfortable compared to dentures. This article aims at answering commonly asked questions about dentures.

What Are Dentures?

Have you seen older people take out "fake teeth" and put them in a glass of water when they are about to sleep? Those "fake teeth" are what are referred to as dentures.

You might come across full or partial dentures:

  • Full dentures — These comprise of a full set of upper and lower artificial teeth attached to pink bases shaped like your gums.
  • Partial dentures — These are for those individuals who have lost some of their teeth. Instead of having a full set of artificial teeth, the artificial teeth on the pink base are attached where the missing teeth are.

How Are Dentures Fitted?

Of course, you need to visit your dentist first. He or she inspects your mouth for any underlying condition that might need treatment or correction before denture fitting. If your dentist finds out that your teeth or gums have no underlying conditions, he or she begins the process of obtaining a denture mould from your teeth. The mould helps the dentist develop a precise denture for you. This is not a painful process and no injections are administered.

When Do You Get Your Dentures?

Some dental clinics offer same-day denture services. You may also come across other dental clinics where you might need to wait for a few days to a week. Check with your dentist; he or she should give you a definite waiting period.

Are Dentures Comfortable?

At first, you might feel uncomfortable; you may even notice a change in your speech. If this happens, you need some time to get used to the dentures. What you should keep in mind is that dentures are not supposed to hurt. If you feel pain or feel like the dentures are injuring you, notify your dentist immediately.

What Damages Dentures?

  • Failure to clean them properly (remove them and brush them properly to get rid of all foods stuck between the artificial teeth).
  • Failure to place them in a glass of water at night as you sleep (this helps keep them moist and durable).
  • Dropping them on hard surfaces like sinks and floors.
  • Storing them carelessly (they can be easily stepped on, sat on or pushed off the edge of a high surface).

About Me

Dental Treatments: A Guide

Modern dentistry can offer you lots of fantastic treatments which can help you to achieve the perfect smile. Our writers may not be qualified dental professionals but they have carried out tonnes of research into the latest dental treatments. On this site, you will be able to discover everything you need to know about laser whitening, invisible braces, and tooth replacement surgery. We hope that by the time you have finished reading this blog, you will be in a position to make the correct decision when it comes to choosing your next dental treatment. Thank you for stopping by to read our blog.



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