2 Conservative Dental Approaches for Front Teeth That Are Uneven in Length or Shape

The upper front teeth are the foundation of a beautiful smile. When the average person smiles, the two central incisors in the upper jaw take centre stage. This means that if the central incisors are different from each other in length or shape, those differences will stand out. As a result, your smile and your self-confidence will suffer.

Fortunately, a dentist can correct cosmetic issues like shape and length discrepancies in teeth with relative ease. The following two dental treatments are conservative and require both little time and little money.

1. Enameloplasty

This dental procedure alters the structure of teeth in much the same way as a sculptor alters a piece of rock. For instance, if one of two central incisors is longer than the other one, a dentist can shorten that tooth by filing or shaving it down until the two teeth match. Once the two central incisors are the same length, the dentist will polish the tooth to smoothen the edges.

A dentist can use enameloplasty, or tooth recontouring, to change the shape of your central incisors in any way you wish. This will help you to achieve a balanced and beautiful smile. However, although this is a conservative approach, it isn't suitable for everyone.

The enamel layer on your front teeth is very thin. Because enamel is harder than bone, even a thin layer can last a lifetime if you care for your teeth. However, if the enamel on your central incisors is too thin because of tooth decay, erosion or nighttime grinding, your dentist might be reluctant to remove any more enamel. To do so could make your teeth more sensitive and vulnerable to decay.

2. Composite Bonding

If removing enamel is out of the question, then your dentist can also add to the enamel layer. In general, dentists use white fillings to repair damaged teeth in the front of the mouth. However, this white filling material, which dentists call composite resin, is also a good solution for changing the shape and length of teeth without altering them physically.

This means that if enameloplasty is too invasive for you, or you don't have enough enamel, then composite bonding is a simple alternative. If, for instance, one of your central incisors is misshapen, your dentist can add some composite resin to that tooth. They can then use that resin to change the shape of the tooth by sculpting the resin before curing it with a specially designed light.

Are your central incisors out of sync? Then talk to your dentist about using one of the aforementioned treatments to correct the issue.

Contact a dentist for more information.

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Dental Treatments: A Guide

Modern dentistry can offer you lots of fantastic treatments which can help you to achieve the perfect smile. Our writers may not be qualified dental professionals but they have carried out tonnes of research into the latest dental treatments. On this site, you will be able to discover everything you need to know about laser whitening, invisible braces, and tooth replacement surgery. We hope that by the time you have finished reading this blog, you will be in a position to make the correct decision when it comes to choosing your next dental treatment. Thank you for stopping by to read our blog.



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